Thursday, July 29, 2010

when addiction becomes healthy.

so if you ignore my random yet very common bout of laziness, i'm actually a really healthy and fit person. now, that's not to say that i have no fat on me because let's face it, a person with no fat is pretty much just a skeleton. when it comes to what i eat and the amount of exercise i get, i would actually give myself a round of applause!

just so you know, and just so i can feel better about myself (haha), here are my addictions:

// h2o - i easily go through 3 litres of water a day but for some reason, it doesn't drive me to go to the toilet more often. weirddd.

// peppermint tea/green tea - i have this ridiculous love for peppermint tea. it's so yummy and...just yummy. but when peppermint tea is nowhere to be found, green tea is my saviour :)

// steamed vegetables - seriously, i eat vegetables in everyday life. usually, they'd be incorporated into some sort of casserole or one pot type of dish but lately, steam is all i need.

// fruits - L O V E fruits. that is all i have to say.

//chocolate soy milk - don't knock it 'til you've tried it. i personally do not like regular soy milk. but chocolate soy milk on the other that's amazing.

//exercise - calm, i do not exercise 24/7 BUT i feel the need to constantly be moving. if it's not the gym, it's my wii fit. and on days when i don't go to the gym or use my wii fit, it's most likely because i've been at work for 9 hours where i've had to walk around the whole day in addition to my random crazy dancing when there are no customers and i am bored.
i would also just like to say that ever since i blogged about having a maximum 1 cup of rice a day and putting money into my piggy bank and not taking it out, i have NOT eaten a single grain of rice and i have put more than $10 of coins into the future bacon without taking anything out.

p r o u d :)

hmm, in the mood for tea now.

tea and a book. that's sounds good doesn't it?

love always, me.

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