Sunday, July 25, 2010

travelled to mexico with a flat car battery for a slice of pie.

oh what a day!

had a nice sleep in, woke up at 9:30am and pretty much just chilled out until 12:45pm when i had to go to the gym.

at 1:10pm, i met hannah at the gym and we actually did a good work out! yay us! there are these new skipping ropes at the gym so i decided to give them a go and try to see if my childhood energy still lived in me. great news! with a little more practice, you'd definitely think that i had the energy of an 8 year old!

hannah was feeling a little sick today (she's still recovering from a slight illness...loser!) but she still decided to give the skipping rope a go. yeah...bad idea. she must have gotten a bit too excited and did some weird move because she ended up pulling some sort of muscle on her right back side. haha. such a loser.

after our session, we walked up to the car park and both got in our cars.

my car wouldn't start. i believe this is what they call karma for laughing at hannah's new found skipping rope injury.

i ended up having to call the NRMA (insurance company) to come and help me jumpstart my car. hannah stayed the whole time. i'd like to say we chatted the whole time but that wouldn't be true. instead, we communicated with each other through facebook on our iphones. how sad! stupid technology is disconnecting all of us, i think!

after about 30mins, the NRMA arrived and attempted to jumpstart my car. it wouldn't start. turns out, something had been pressed on my car keychain that prevented my car from starting. yep, pure stupidity.

i cannot even explain to you the amount of laughter that came out of hannah. i was laughing a lot but she was laughing so much that i was afraid she was going to run out of breath! that bitch! haha.

oh idiot.

so anyway, got home and went on a cooking/baking spree!

i made scones just because i felt like it.

for dinner tonight, we had mexican. i made enchiladas with steamed veggies and refried beans. very yummy :)

and for dessert...lemon meringue pie!!! seriously unbelievably tasty :)

surprisingly and thankfully my friend 'willpower', who i've introduced to you before, joined me for dinner so i can proudly say that right this moment, i feel no bloating whatsoever after a mexican dinner plus dessert. success!

my piggy bank gets fed almost everyday! just thought i'd share.

busy day catching up with friends tomorrow.

sleep time.

love always, me.

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