Thursday, July 22, 2010

my spanish piggy bank filled with rice.

so because i daydream A LOT, i have way too much time to think about what i would like to do in my life. and everyday there's a new thing. seriously, my life list is up to about 1,000 things to do before i'm 50. uh. yeah. good luck with that!

now, i have decided, because i am bored, that in order for me to actually do these things, i'm going to post a couple of ideas on this blog every now and then and actually do them from then on. i don't have to do all of them by the next bucket list post, but at least i know that once i let them out into the universe (and by universe, i mean the world wide web), i'll get the kick and motivation i need to actually do them...well hopefully.

// learn to speak and understand spanish - i have been saying this for years! i think it is now time to actually do something about it. the goal is to be able to at least speak a paragraph's worth in spanish and understand when someone speaks it to me by december 2010.

// have my piggy bank filled - my saving routine needs a kick up the butt. the goal is to fill my piggy bank with $$$, not take any of it out, and have it filled by december 2010 just in time for my philippines holiday!

// eat only a maximum of 1 cup of rice a day - totally need to do this. i don't even eat rice that much but i think, having this idea drilled into my brain will help cleanse out my insides, force me to eat healthier alternatives and let's face it, help me drop those unwanted kilos.

i think those three are achievable, don't you???

yeah, we can do that.

ps. kuya emil has been watching a marathon of my FRIENDS dvds and tonight during dinner, he kept trying to copy chandler's expressions. hahahaha. funniest thing ever. such a loser.

it's 8:30pm...time to eat, pray, love.

good night :)

love always, me.

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