Thursday, July 22, 2010

ate abbey takes over australia!

well she'll take over JUST sydney technically, but steps!

right now i'm on my skype date with her and we're trying to figure out places she'd like to visit here in sydney. obviously the opera house and the harbour bridge are on the top of the list...but what else???

we're still in the process of deciding but my one warning for her is that she will be eating quite a lot. she refuses to believe this though. all i have to say is, good luck and don't say i didn't warn you!

20 days before she gets here! ahhhhhhh so excited!!!!

not too excited about the airport run so early in the morning. actually, we don't know the exact time she'll be touching down. we're a little bit confused. at first we thought she'd be here 6:20 australian time...but now we're thinking she'll actually get here at 10:05 australian time...clearly the 2 hour time difference is way too complicated for us! haha

this is so going to turn the rest of us into tourists. taking photos of these places we live in every single day. oh the fun :)

once again, 20 days and counting. in my opinion, these 20 days should just hurry up and the 9 days that she's with us should slow down. thoughts???


love always, me.

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