Saturday, July 24, 2010

tea party with the drunk alien baby.

totes had a fabulous afternoon :)

miss caris bizzaca hosted a tea party! and it was amazing. macaroons, scones, meringue, tea...the list goes on! i was actually quite surprised when this frienemy of mine called 'willpower' dropped by and helped control my tea party food intake haha

so as per our usual girl talks, topics went from one crazy one to another...

i'd like to say that we gradually go into the weird conversations, starting with normal ones, but that would be lying. the topics that stood out would be the embarrassing moments we have when alcohol is involved. walking into walls, awkward moments with other people, the s**t that come out of our mouths, swearing we'd never get that drunk again and at the end of the discussion setting a date for our next night out :)

girl could you survive without them?!

another topic that stood out would be how newborn babies look like aliens. don't get me wrong, WE LOVE BABIES. but the sound they make, the way they stretch and their funny facial have to admit!

this conversation also brought us to the topic of how zoie looked like a baby chimp when she was born. hahahahaha. you had to be there but it was hilarious!

it still makes me laugh :)

i guess i should go to the gym now and work off all the tea party food! thank you caris for making me have to do an extra hour of exercise. damn you!

love always, me.

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