Friday, July 23, 2010

the law of attraction and 10 cents.

ok so either i'm in love with blogging or i really need to start a diary that i can bury underground for future human beings to find 300 years from now...or i just have a lot of thoughts i have to get out of my mind to make room for new random thoughts.

anyhoo, doesn't really matter, it's my blog, i can write whatever and whenever i want on it.

i would just like to say that lady gaga is fantabulous. i know some of you probably "hate"*** her but i know deep down inside your pretty little hearts, there's a tiny voice singing a gaga song and wanting to get out. i think you should set the voice free!!!

*** "hate" is in inverted commas because i am REALLY against the use of the word. i strongly believe in the law of put that word out there and it comes back to you and to the world...and really, who wants that!?

seriously though, the law of attraction? amazing.

if you want something in life, you need to act like you have it. think positive, BELIEVE that you'll get it and you will. simple. stay positive, get rid of the negative thoughts and things will happen!

PERCEPTION IS PROJECTION! what you think will happen is absorbed by the universe and happens.

obviously you're allowed your sad i say, have your depressing moment, let it out, move on and realise you have one life and you need to live it! yes yes yes!

i just fed my piggy bank 10 cents. i'm so proud. i'm on my way to a million!

it's 8:09pm and i've run out of thoughts...for now. i may be back later.

book time now i think.

love always, me.

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