Sunday, July 25, 2010

life, luck and a ladybug.

sometimes when I’m alone, i start question everything. i start wondering how things happen and why. i’m a big believer in things happening for a reason and am still yet to become the one with answers. it was only recently that i was hit with the sudden realisation that this is what it is. this is LIFE. there’s no turning back. there’s no way to fast forward to the future. there’s no way to avoid loss. it’s part of life. it happens. as much as i am in agreement with not ever letting anyone say ‘you can’t’, i’m also a strong believer that you can’t live life sitting around with a permanent frown on your face caused by the millions of negative thoughts and emotions in your body because ultimately, what you’re doing is missing your life and watching it pass by without even noticing.

i wonder where i’ll end up in the future. may it be a year or twenty years from now. i wonder if the friends i call my ‘forever loves’ will still be there for me when i need them. i wonder if what i refer to as my hopes and dreams right this moment will still be next year. trying to foresee the future is almost like looking at clouds on a sunny day from inside a plane. we know it’s there but we can’t quite get to it. we know for a fact that if by any chance we could reach outside and touch them, there wouldn’t be any hard barriers stopping us from reaching inside and possibly finding something magical. the only problem is, we can’t touch the clouds when we’re in a plane. we can’t force to see what’s in the future for us. we just have to fly through day by day and pick up the important pieces we’ll need.

i think a smile makes everything better. it’s such a little thing that changes how people feel. most of the time, it’s effortless and it’s free. it’s the best way to tell someone you care and you’re there for them. it’s the best way to tell someone you appreciate everything they’ve done for you. a simple smile to a stranger tells them that they deserve to be walking on this earth. sometimes you should just do it. it means no harm. it’s only a smile and it could mean everything.

luck is a funny thing. we all have different views on what luck is, why and how it happens, and sometimes even how to make your own. it’s a crazy topic to approach but in my opinion, sometimes the most amazing luck happens to a child. when a child is born into a loving, happy, crazy, loud, fun family, they can be considered lucky. actually no, they’re blessed. to have a family who cares about you and loves you for who you are. to have cousins, uncles, aunties, nieces, nephews and grandparents who open their arms wide open for a tight embrace. to have someone give you a job at family affairs simply because you’re part of the family. to almost never needing an official invitation to birthdays because you’re practically VIP. to having people to laugh with no matter how hard the outside world gets. to have a group of people to call home. now, THAT is an ongoing luck i, and many people i know, live with.

we’re all stars and you should know it. there’s a reason you’re here, whether you know what it is or not, it doesn’t matter. just try and do something. or you know, maybe just smile a little more.

go to the park, lie on the grass, stare at the sky and feel that ladybug settle onto the tip of your nose. breathe in the fresh air, reminisce about the fun that is your childhood and laugh as if you were reliving it. get up, take a breath, smile, look around you and try and realise that sometimes you just have to let all negativity roll off your shoulders and carry with you whatever makes you happy because believe it or not, this is it.

this is LIFE. this is your chance. don’t waste it.

love always, me.

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