Wednesday, July 21, 2010

the countdown begins.

153 days.

that’s right ladies and gentlemen! 153 days from now, i will be boarding my flight with singapore airlines and thus beginning the long awaited journey to the arms of my relatives. i’m thinking of walking up to a stranger, shaking their hand and saying with a smile...MABUHAY!

would that be too much? yes? oh ok.

some of you are probably were there last year!? sure it’s exciting, but sure not exciting enough to begin the countdown at 153!

you’re wrong.

this year happens to be the first time in 12 years i will be spending christmas and new year’s eve in the philippines and with my relatives. *INSERT MAJOR EXCITEMENT HERE*.

unless you’ve experienced christmas in the philippines, you can only half imagine the amount of excitement i’m going through right now. it’s a day filled with craziness, food, laughter, chatter, sharing, singing, dancing (kuya ige’s ‘single ladies’ version), and more food.

and this year it will consist of tears (maybe) when, as a whole family, we’ll finally watch the much anticipated family video i am making right now.

i feel a group hug happening!!!

on a sad note, ate abbey will not be part of this reunion (unless she comes across some sort of miracle and shows up on christmas eve!) BUT it’s ok! in 21 days she will be sharing a group hug with us palos in australia. almost seven years later, we will finally get to see her pretty self in person (none of this webcam stuff!). it will be 8-9 days of fun, laughter and catching up...mostly about her next man catch...haha jokes ate abbey!

but anyway, it’s exciting nonetheless.

i can’t explain it. i guess if you have a family like i do, only then will you understand :)

love always, me.

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