Saturday, July 31, 2010

laughter cures sore muscles.

yeah so apparently i'm not as fit as i thought i was. *tear*

EJ, the manager at my gym, wrote down a program for me to follow...i didn't even get half way through it! it's only happened to me once before but yesterday just after i started doing resistance training, everything started blacking out and it felt like all the blood was rushing to my head. my arms and hands especially, felt like springs. i could move them but my hands would automatically go back into this weird position. all i wanted to do was lie down and fall asleep.

one thing's for sure, i should not have driven home. but i did.

so i got home and ate pretty much everything in sight...and by everything, i mean mama's vegetable springrolls, some chicken stuffed with spinach and feta cheese and plenty of really, still pretty healthy.

i had promised to attend some celebratory drinks and i was afraid i was going to miss it because of how crappy i felt. but it's ok, i pushed through and made it.

it was an amazing catch up with the good ol' big w crew. not everyone of the crew was there but that's ok.

if you want a ratio of how much we laughed to the amount of very serious topics we discussed, it would be 90:10...yeah, we laughed a lot.

my body is aching soooooo much right now. lucky i have the day off!!! but still have to gym it later. push push push! bloody hell.

it's 11:27am on a saturday and i'm bored. i really should try to do something a little more productive...or not.

maybe i'll continue with this family video. or something of that sort.

hope you have a good day today! wherever you are in the world, i hope you're smiling :)

love always, me.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

when addiction becomes healthy.

so if you ignore my random yet very common bout of laziness, i'm actually a really healthy and fit person. now, that's not to say that i have no fat on me because let's face it, a person with no fat is pretty much just a skeleton. when it comes to what i eat and the amount of exercise i get, i would actually give myself a round of applause!

just so you know, and just so i can feel better about myself (haha), here are my addictions:

// h2o - i easily go through 3 litres of water a day but for some reason, it doesn't drive me to go to the toilet more often. weirddd.

// peppermint tea/green tea - i have this ridiculous love for peppermint tea. it's so yummy and...just yummy. but when peppermint tea is nowhere to be found, green tea is my saviour :)

// steamed vegetables - seriously, i eat vegetables in everyday life. usually, they'd be incorporated into some sort of casserole or one pot type of dish but lately, steam is all i need.

// fruits - L O V E fruits. that is all i have to say.

//chocolate soy milk - don't knock it 'til you've tried it. i personally do not like regular soy milk. but chocolate soy milk on the other that's amazing.

//exercise - calm, i do not exercise 24/7 BUT i feel the need to constantly be moving. if it's not the gym, it's my wii fit. and on days when i don't go to the gym or use my wii fit, it's most likely because i've been at work for 9 hours where i've had to walk around the whole day in addition to my random crazy dancing when there are no customers and i am bored.
i would also just like to say that ever since i blogged about having a maximum 1 cup of rice a day and putting money into my piggy bank and not taking it out, i have NOT eaten a single grain of rice and i have put more than $10 of coins into the future bacon without taking anything out.

p r o u d :)

hmm, in the mood for tea now.

tea and a book. that's sounds good doesn't it?

love always, me.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

travelled to mexico with a flat car battery for a slice of pie.

oh what a day!

had a nice sleep in, woke up at 9:30am and pretty much just chilled out until 12:45pm when i had to go to the gym.

at 1:10pm, i met hannah at the gym and we actually did a good work out! yay us! there are these new skipping ropes at the gym so i decided to give them a go and try to see if my childhood energy still lived in me. great news! with a little more practice, you'd definitely think that i had the energy of an 8 year old!

hannah was feeling a little sick today (she's still recovering from a slight illness...loser!) but she still decided to give the skipping rope a go. yeah...bad idea. she must have gotten a bit too excited and did some weird move because she ended up pulling some sort of muscle on her right back side. haha. such a loser.

after our session, we walked up to the car park and both got in our cars.

my car wouldn't start. i believe this is what they call karma for laughing at hannah's new found skipping rope injury.

i ended up having to call the NRMA (insurance company) to come and help me jumpstart my car. hannah stayed the whole time. i'd like to say we chatted the whole time but that wouldn't be true. instead, we communicated with each other through facebook on our iphones. how sad! stupid technology is disconnecting all of us, i think!

after about 30mins, the NRMA arrived and attempted to jumpstart my car. it wouldn't start. turns out, something had been pressed on my car keychain that prevented my car from starting. yep, pure stupidity.

i cannot even explain to you the amount of laughter that came out of hannah. i was laughing a lot but she was laughing so much that i was afraid she was going to run out of breath! that bitch! haha.

oh idiot.

so anyway, got home and went on a cooking/baking spree!

i made scones just because i felt like it.

for dinner tonight, we had mexican. i made enchiladas with steamed veggies and refried beans. very yummy :)

and for dessert...lemon meringue pie!!! seriously unbelievably tasty :)

surprisingly and thankfully my friend 'willpower', who i've introduced to you before, joined me for dinner so i can proudly say that right this moment, i feel no bloating whatsoever after a mexican dinner plus dessert. success!

my piggy bank gets fed almost everyday! just thought i'd share.

busy day catching up with friends tomorrow.

sleep time.

love always, me.

life, luck and a ladybug.

sometimes when I’m alone, i start question everything. i start wondering how things happen and why. i’m a big believer in things happening for a reason and am still yet to become the one with answers. it was only recently that i was hit with the sudden realisation that this is what it is. this is LIFE. there’s no turning back. there’s no way to fast forward to the future. there’s no way to avoid loss. it’s part of life. it happens. as much as i am in agreement with not ever letting anyone say ‘you can’t’, i’m also a strong believer that you can’t live life sitting around with a permanent frown on your face caused by the millions of negative thoughts and emotions in your body because ultimately, what you’re doing is missing your life and watching it pass by without even noticing.

i wonder where i’ll end up in the future. may it be a year or twenty years from now. i wonder if the friends i call my ‘forever loves’ will still be there for me when i need them. i wonder if what i refer to as my hopes and dreams right this moment will still be next year. trying to foresee the future is almost like looking at clouds on a sunny day from inside a plane. we know it’s there but we can’t quite get to it. we know for a fact that if by any chance we could reach outside and touch them, there wouldn’t be any hard barriers stopping us from reaching inside and possibly finding something magical. the only problem is, we can’t touch the clouds when we’re in a plane. we can’t force to see what’s in the future for us. we just have to fly through day by day and pick up the important pieces we’ll need.

i think a smile makes everything better. it’s such a little thing that changes how people feel. most of the time, it’s effortless and it’s free. it’s the best way to tell someone you care and you’re there for them. it’s the best way to tell someone you appreciate everything they’ve done for you. a simple smile to a stranger tells them that they deserve to be walking on this earth. sometimes you should just do it. it means no harm. it’s only a smile and it could mean everything.

luck is a funny thing. we all have different views on what luck is, why and how it happens, and sometimes even how to make your own. it’s a crazy topic to approach but in my opinion, sometimes the most amazing luck happens to a child. when a child is born into a loving, happy, crazy, loud, fun family, they can be considered lucky. actually no, they’re blessed. to have a family who cares about you and loves you for who you are. to have cousins, uncles, aunties, nieces, nephews and grandparents who open their arms wide open for a tight embrace. to have someone give you a job at family affairs simply because you’re part of the family. to almost never needing an official invitation to birthdays because you’re practically VIP. to having people to laugh with no matter how hard the outside world gets. to have a group of people to call home. now, THAT is an ongoing luck i, and many people i know, live with.

we’re all stars and you should know it. there’s a reason you’re here, whether you know what it is or not, it doesn’t matter. just try and do something. or you know, maybe just smile a little more.

go to the park, lie on the grass, stare at the sky and feel that ladybug settle onto the tip of your nose. breathe in the fresh air, reminisce about the fun that is your childhood and laugh as if you were reliving it. get up, take a breath, smile, look around you and try and realise that sometimes you just have to let all negativity roll off your shoulders and carry with you whatever makes you happy because believe it or not, this is it.

this is LIFE. this is your chance. don’t waste it.

love always, me.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

tea party with the drunk alien baby.

totes had a fabulous afternoon :)

miss caris bizzaca hosted a tea party! and it was amazing. macaroons, scones, meringue, tea...the list goes on! i was actually quite surprised when this frienemy of mine called 'willpower' dropped by and helped control my tea party food intake haha

so as per our usual girl talks, topics went from one crazy one to another...

i'd like to say that we gradually go into the weird conversations, starting with normal ones, but that would be lying. the topics that stood out would be the embarrassing moments we have when alcohol is involved. walking into walls, awkward moments with other people, the s**t that come out of our mouths, swearing we'd never get that drunk again and at the end of the discussion setting a date for our next night out :)

girl could you survive without them?!

another topic that stood out would be how newborn babies look like aliens. don't get me wrong, WE LOVE BABIES. but the sound they make, the way they stretch and their funny facial have to admit!

this conversation also brought us to the topic of how zoie looked like a baby chimp when she was born. hahahahaha. you had to be there but it was hilarious!

it still makes me laugh :)

i guess i should go to the gym now and work off all the tea party food! thank you caris for making me have to do an extra hour of exercise. damn you!

love always, me.

Friday, July 23, 2010

the law of attraction and 10 cents.

ok so either i'm in love with blogging or i really need to start a diary that i can bury underground for future human beings to find 300 years from now...or i just have a lot of thoughts i have to get out of my mind to make room for new random thoughts.

anyhoo, doesn't really matter, it's my blog, i can write whatever and whenever i want on it.

i would just like to say that lady gaga is fantabulous. i know some of you probably "hate"*** her but i know deep down inside your pretty little hearts, there's a tiny voice singing a gaga song and wanting to get out. i think you should set the voice free!!!

*** "hate" is in inverted commas because i am REALLY against the use of the word. i strongly believe in the law of put that word out there and it comes back to you and to the world...and really, who wants that!?

seriously though, the law of attraction? amazing.

if you want something in life, you need to act like you have it. think positive, BELIEVE that you'll get it and you will. simple. stay positive, get rid of the negative thoughts and things will happen!

PERCEPTION IS PROJECTION! what you think will happen is absorbed by the universe and happens.

obviously you're allowed your sad i say, have your depressing moment, let it out, move on and realise you have one life and you need to live it! yes yes yes!

i just fed my piggy bank 10 cents. i'm so proud. i'm on my way to a million!

it's 8:09pm and i've run out of thoughts...for now. i may be back later.

book time now i think.

love always, me.

charlie chaplin smiled today.

smile though your heart is aching.
smile even though it's breaking.
when there are clouds in the sky,
you'll get by.

if you smile through your pain and sorrow.
smile and maybe tomorrow,
you'll see the sun shining through
for you.

light up your face with gladness,
hide every trace of sadness.
although a tear may be ever so near,
that's the time you must keep on trying
smile, what's the use of crying.
you'll find that life is still worthwhile -
if you just smile

love always, me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

my spanish piggy bank filled with rice.

so because i daydream A LOT, i have way too much time to think about what i would like to do in my life. and everyday there's a new thing. seriously, my life list is up to about 1,000 things to do before i'm 50. uh. yeah. good luck with that!

now, i have decided, because i am bored, that in order for me to actually do these things, i'm going to post a couple of ideas on this blog every now and then and actually do them from then on. i don't have to do all of them by the next bucket list post, but at least i know that once i let them out into the universe (and by universe, i mean the world wide web), i'll get the kick and motivation i need to actually do them...well hopefully.

// learn to speak and understand spanish - i have been saying this for years! i think it is now time to actually do something about it. the goal is to be able to at least speak a paragraph's worth in spanish and understand when someone speaks it to me by december 2010.

// have my piggy bank filled - my saving routine needs a kick up the butt. the goal is to fill my piggy bank with $$$, not take any of it out, and have it filled by december 2010 just in time for my philippines holiday!

// eat only a maximum of 1 cup of rice a day - totally need to do this. i don't even eat rice that much but i think, having this idea drilled into my brain will help cleanse out my insides, force me to eat healthier alternatives and let's face it, help me drop those unwanted kilos.

i think those three are achievable, don't you???

yeah, we can do that.

ps. kuya emil has been watching a marathon of my FRIENDS dvds and tonight during dinner, he kept trying to copy chandler's expressions. hahahaha. funniest thing ever. such a loser.

it's 8:30pm...time to eat, pray, love.

good night :)

love always, me.

ate abbey takes over australia!

well she'll take over JUST sydney technically, but steps!

right now i'm on my skype date with her and we're trying to figure out places she'd like to visit here in sydney. obviously the opera house and the harbour bridge are on the top of the list...but what else???

we're still in the process of deciding but my one warning for her is that she will be eating quite a lot. she refuses to believe this though. all i have to say is, good luck and don't say i didn't warn you!

20 days before she gets here! ahhhhhhh so excited!!!!

not too excited about the airport run so early in the morning. actually, we don't know the exact time she'll be touching down. we're a little bit confused. at first we thought she'd be here 6:20 australian time...but now we're thinking she'll actually get here at 10:05 australian time...clearly the 2 hour time difference is way too complicated for us! haha

this is so going to turn the rest of us into tourists. taking photos of these places we live in every single day. oh the fun :)

once again, 20 days and counting. in my opinion, these 20 days should just hurry up and the 9 days that she's with us should slow down. thoughts???


love always, me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

the countdown begins.

153 days.

that’s right ladies and gentlemen! 153 days from now, i will be boarding my flight with singapore airlines and thus beginning the long awaited journey to the arms of my relatives. i’m thinking of walking up to a stranger, shaking their hand and saying with a smile...MABUHAY!

would that be too much? yes? oh ok.

some of you are probably were there last year!? sure it’s exciting, but sure not exciting enough to begin the countdown at 153!

you’re wrong.

this year happens to be the first time in 12 years i will be spending christmas and new year’s eve in the philippines and with my relatives. *INSERT MAJOR EXCITEMENT HERE*.

unless you’ve experienced christmas in the philippines, you can only half imagine the amount of excitement i’m going through right now. it’s a day filled with craziness, food, laughter, chatter, sharing, singing, dancing (kuya ige’s ‘single ladies’ version), and more food.

and this year it will consist of tears (maybe) when, as a whole family, we’ll finally watch the much anticipated family video i am making right now.

i feel a group hug happening!!!

on a sad note, ate abbey will not be part of this reunion (unless she comes across some sort of miracle and shows up on christmas eve!) BUT it’s ok! in 21 days she will be sharing a group hug with us palos in australia. almost seven years later, we will finally get to see her pretty self in person (none of this webcam stuff!). it will be 8-9 days of fun, laughter and catching up...mostly about her next man catch...haha jokes ate abbey!

but anyway, it’s exciting nonetheless.

i can’t explain it. i guess if you have a family like i do, only then will you understand :)

love always, me.