Sunday, August 1, 2010

model bootcamp.

had dinner out with the girlies tonight and what a great way to end the week/weekend :) we went to SEACHANGE in DEE WHY and as per usual, everyone randomly went around the table asking others what they were ordering. the others all planned to get some sort of burger with a side of hot chips but because i'm trying this whole extreme health thing, i told them i was going to order a salad. and so they all ended up getting salads as well haha. i'm such a good influence.

anywayyyy...i REALLY need to shed some kaygees (kgs. yeah i'm cool). so from now on...but not forever...i shall get my carbs from fruits, veggies and porridge for brekkie. no dairy - after i finish this chocolate bar i have haha, and no softdrinks.

so basically - veggies, fruits, steamed fish, lean chicken and water will be my life for a while. plus lots of tea and LOTS of gym. wow. exciting :(

oh well, i'll get over it. it'll be greatttt.


in other news, i'm having a fantabulous time saving money! almost every night, all my spare change is fed to my piggy! and i've actually been sticking to my daily allowance. i make sure to do my massive savings deposit first thing on pay day, then calculate how much i have to leave for all the bills i have to pay, and then calculate how much allowance i need to give myself for the following two weeks. plus i'm getting my awesome tax back.

so really, if you add everything together, this is what i will become:

my health and fitness bootcamp + strict financing
a very rich model a.k.a gisele bundchen

and you know what, i'm fine with that. haha

i'm off to finish my much loved peppermint tea and get on with my beauty sleep.

nighty night.

love always, me.

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