Wednesday, August 11, 2010

15 hours and 35minutes.

just a quick blog.

in the middle of getting everything ready for when the queen aka ate abbey arrives tomorrow.

i'm so excited. i don't think i'll actually be able to sleep tonight. it's in less than a day!!! time should hurry up and the 9 days she's here should slow down. yupp. good idea.

action plan if insomnia visits me: go hard at the gym tonight + hot shower + read a book + watch tv = at least 3 hours sleep right? well it better work.

room's clean as can be, just gotta get the other bed ready. need to take my desk and computer out as well.

still need to hem mother's new jeans. damn those short legs!

oh and i really need to finish and burn the family video...ooooh! that's another thing i can do tonight if i'm unable to sleep! good thinking ange, good thinking.

so i better head off. need to finish all the stuff listed on my pretty little yellow post-it :)

next time i blog, i'll be living in the middle of a family reunion slash heaven :)

love always, me.

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