Monday, August 30, 2010

the stars are lining up for the asian tourist at fashion week.

wow. so it's been a LONG time since i've last blogged. but my schedule has been hectic! in a fantabulous way :)

so the 9 days ate abbey spent with us here in australia was the best 9 days i'd had in a very long time. we hadn't seen each other in almost 7 years and it was just sooooo good for us all to be together again! to be honest, when she first walked out to meet us at the airport, it took a while for me to realise that it was her! i knew it was her but obviously she looked a little different from years ago. and i found myself feeling the need to get used to her personality again. getting used to the way she laughed etc. but it's ok. 2 hours later, it was like we'd never been apart :)

it was 9 days of pure bliss, delicious food, lots of driving, non-stop walking, and never-ending sightseeing of sydney. i'm proud to say i turned into an asian tourist in those 9 days!

we look at her holiday here in australia as a beginning of future family reunions to be held in places other than the philippines haha. we skyped with the philippines almost every night and call me crazy, but it was like the whole clan was together.

definitely had an amazing time and i already miss her to bits!

the next day after she flew back to new zealand, i went straight to work promoting the 2010 rosemount sydney fashion festival. this was to be the beginning of what was to become the most amazing fashion high i have ever been involved in so far.

21st-28th august 2010 marked many fun moments in my fashion life.

moments like getting to work with different models, some major divas, some quiet ones, but most of whom actually made me feel better about myself because they showed me that they're normal people who munch on pringles and go home to do their laundry.

i was also working in the same rooms as well-known australian personalities such as miss universe 2004 jennifer hawkins, miss australia 2006 erin mcnaught, australian fashion designer alex perry, american socialite nicky hilton etc.

as much as i was excited to be in the same place as these people, admittedly i was more excited when i was given the opportunities to work with the backstage manager and/or head dresser. to me, that was what i went there to do.

i've had the most awesome month this year. it's all happening. one contact leads to the other.

half of the time, it's who you know. not what you know.

wish me luck on my endeavours!

love always, me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

15 hours and 35minutes.

just a quick blog.

in the middle of getting everything ready for when the queen aka ate abbey arrives tomorrow.

i'm so excited. i don't think i'll actually be able to sleep tonight. it's in less than a day!!! time should hurry up and the 9 days she's here should slow down. yupp. good idea.

action plan if insomnia visits me: go hard at the gym tonight + hot shower + read a book + watch tv = at least 3 hours sleep right? well it better work.

room's clean as can be, just gotta get the other bed ready. need to take my desk and computer out as well.

still need to hem mother's new jeans. damn those short legs!

oh and i really need to finish and burn the family video...ooooh! that's another thing i can do tonight if i'm unable to sleep! good thinking ange, good thinking.

so i better head off. need to finish all the stuff listed on my pretty little yellow post-it :)

next time i blog, i'll be living in the middle of a family reunion slash heaven :)

love always, me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

went to the gym to watch inception and ate eggs at the airport.

soooo....looks like it's been a week since i've blogged. been pretty distracted...

you are gonna be so proud, i went to the gym (and did a proper awesome work out each time) from monday to friday this week and had this weekend off from exercise. on top of that, have eaten so healthily and portion controlled.

seriously, gisele bundchen, watch out!

i've also perfected the art of poaching eggs. FINALLY. i've never had any success in poaching eggs until a friend gave me the step by step way that she does it and voila...perfection! poached eggs and smoked salmon on spinach is to die for! go on, try it sometime!

last night, miss sarah murphy and i had a movie date and went to see INCEPTION. uh-may-zing.

i highly guarantee. that's all i will say because i'd really dislike to be the person who got you all hyped up about what could potentially be a really crappy movie according to you. but yes. it blew my mind away. i'm thinking of actually seeing it a second time to fully grasp it haha.

on another note, this thursday will be the day we finally reunite with ate abbey. that's right, 3 days from now!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!! sooooo excited. i may go crazy at the airport and have to be escorted out by security. you know what, i'm fine with that!

though this means i really should get my act together and prepare. this will include:

- clean...and i mean CLEAN bedroom
- buy a new heater because my stupid one finally gave up on me
- finish the family video
- make sure video camera and cameras are charged and are actually working
- re-read itinerary to make sure it actually makes sense and the timing does works
- maintain cleanliness of room

tomorrow is my day off, working on tuesday and day off on wednesday. here on this blog is where i shall declare... "I PROMISE TO DO THOSE THINGS ON THE LIST!"

there i said it.

well i'm gonna do more of the family video :)

good night and good luck :)

love always, me.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

model bootcamp.

had dinner out with the girlies tonight and what a great way to end the week/weekend :) we went to SEACHANGE in DEE WHY and as per usual, everyone randomly went around the table asking others what they were ordering. the others all planned to get some sort of burger with a side of hot chips but because i'm trying this whole extreme health thing, i told them i was going to order a salad. and so they all ended up getting salads as well haha. i'm such a good influence.

anywayyyy...i REALLY need to shed some kaygees (kgs. yeah i'm cool). so from now on...but not forever...i shall get my carbs from fruits, veggies and porridge for brekkie. no dairy - after i finish this chocolate bar i have haha, and no softdrinks.

so basically - veggies, fruits, steamed fish, lean chicken and water will be my life for a while. plus lots of tea and LOTS of gym. wow. exciting :(

oh well, i'll get over it. it'll be greatttt.


in other news, i'm having a fantabulous time saving money! almost every night, all my spare change is fed to my piggy! and i've actually been sticking to my daily allowance. i make sure to do my massive savings deposit first thing on pay day, then calculate how much i have to leave for all the bills i have to pay, and then calculate how much allowance i need to give myself for the following two weeks. plus i'm getting my awesome tax back.

so really, if you add everything together, this is what i will become:

my health and fitness bootcamp + strict financing
a very rich model a.k.a gisele bundchen

and you know what, i'm fine with that. haha

i'm off to finish my much loved peppermint tea and get on with my beauty sleep.

nighty night.

love always, me.