Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a turquoise life.


i know, i know it's been YONKS since i've posted but i'm not gonna lie to you...i've been too lazy haha. and i started a tumblr which in all honesty is just easier for when i have something quick to say or a cool photo to post. but don't worry, this humble little blog has not be completely abandoned.

so as i've quickly skimmed, last post was about my week at rosemount sydney fashion festival.

well great news lovers! i am currently interning at camilla kaftans and loving it :) and i'm pretty sure they like me (a lot) too :) i'm learning something new everyday, laughing with the girls every minute, and reminding myself to "live the life you've always imagined" every second.

life is great right now...pretty tight on the financial side but what can you do eh? get up and keep moving i say!

i recently bought a light blue/green/turquoise vintage dress and i'm head over heels in love with it. absolutely perfect for summer! yay!

so moral of the story: i'm still at my retail job, doing internship, getting more and more hooked on vintage items, going crazy at the gym (7-9 classes a week...whatttt!!!!), detoxing my insides, living life to the max and simply loving every precious moment of it.

it's reading time now :)


love always, me.